The Mabu Buru Foundation is an Aboriginal not-for-profit organization, dedicated to ensuring the survival and preservation of indigenous culture through continued practice and knowledge sharing.
We strive to strike a balance between traditional cultural responsibilities and the realities of modern life, creating opportunities for cultural practitioners while providing training, employment, and sustainable income to support cultural practices.
Our Mission
The mission of the Mabu Buru Foundation is to preserve and promote indigenous culture, traditions, and heritage by supporting cultural practice, knowledge transmission, and engagement.
Our Vision
To foster greater understanding, respect, and appreciation for Aboriginal culture among both indigenous and non-indigenous people.
Foundation objectives
Cultural Practice and Knowledge Sharing
Create spaces and resources for cultural practitioners to engage in cultural activities, ceremonies, knowledge transmission, teaching and learning.
Training and Employment
Provide training and employment opportunities for local Aboriginal people in areas that align with cultural obligations, fostering skills development and economic empowerment.
Cultural Tourism Experiences
Promote cultural tourism that respects and showcases indigenous culture, providing visitors with authentic and immersive experiences while generating sustainable income for cultural practitioners.
Conservation and Environment
Support initiatives that contribute to the conservation of natural assets and environmental sustainability, recognizing the intrinsic connection between a healthy country (mabu buru) and the survival of culture.
Community Engagement
Engage with the local community and stakeholders to raise awareness, foster understanding, and build relationships that support cultural preservation and social cohesion.